A wide range of womens handbags and leather items for wholesale, bags, purses, clutch bags, fashion bags and accessories. EFashion Paris is an online platform for wholesalers. Find our selections updated regularly, for all the latest styles and fashions and top market prices.
Efashion is your number-one fashion accessories partner. As a leather goods wholesaler, we offer you a varied collection of the latest bags and handbags so you can choose from as many products as possible. From leather handbags to clutch bags, backpacks, duffel bags and shoulder bags, whatever your needs, you'll find the style you're looking for.
As a wholesaler for duffel bags and handbags, we offer a wide range of on-trend designs to satisfy your customers whatever their taste. Whether it’s a leather handbag, a super-detailed tote bag, a bag in the latest fabric, a backpack or a practical duffel bag with a pocket or multiple compartments, we've got everything you need to complete your collection. Select your products from the thousands on our list. Our online catalogue for men and women is constantly updated to reflect the latest trends and offer you plenty of choice.
We believe that a bag can be much more than just an accessory. A bag is an expression of the wearer's style and personality. That's why we provide a variety of bags in different materials, from top-quality leather and hard-wearing canvas to affordable imitation leather. From the season’s must-have look to timeless designs, we’ll find you the best bags at the best prices. As a wholesaler for tote bags, handbags, clutches, shoulder bags, bumbags, backpacks and duffel bags, we offer a wide range of products for all occasions.
As a leading handbag wholesaler, Efashion gives you access to original designs and bags inspired by top brands at low prices. Because it’s vital you get the latest products at competitive prices so you can maximise your sales, we want to offer you the widest range of bags and the best possible value for money.
Are you looking for a reliable handbag wholesaler with a solid reputation in the leather goods market? For over 12 years, Efashion has been committed to supplying on-trend products, style and support to all fashion professionals. That’s why, in addition to our wide range of bags and handbags, we’re determined to provide you with an exceptional customer experience. Our website now features more than 600 brands, with hundreds of new items added every day. What’s more, we guarantee quick shipping in under 48 hours so we can be sure you’re completely satisfied with your experience, as well as 3-instalment, no-fee payments. Do you need advice or some assistance with a bag order or a product? Our dedicated customer service team is on hand to answer all your questions and help you make the right selections for your needs. Explore our handbag and duffel bag collections, list the ones you want and place your order now!